Mobility Aids Vs Assistive Devices: What's The Difference?

Mobility Aids Vs Assistive Devices: What's The Difference?

Mobility Aids Vs Assistive Devices: What's The Difference?

Ageing comes with a whole host of changes to one’s health and physical capabilities that can hinder one’s independence. Thankfully, there are many innovations that can help overcome the challenges posed by such bodily developments, which are commonly referred to as mobility aids and assistive devices.

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, it is important to know that they are each a distinct category of tools that are made to improve the quality of life for people such as the elderly and those with disabilities. These aids not only facilitate movement within the home but also enhance access to public transportation. If you’re looking to support and promote the well-being and independence of your loved ones, knowing the difference between them is essential.

Read on as we go over their distinctions and their various types. 

What Are Mobility Aids? 

Mobility aids are one of the many subsets of products under the umbrella of assistive devices. As stated in its name, these tools are specifically designed to improve a person’s ability to move independently by enhancing their movements and safety while in motion. Some of the most common issues that can benefit from Mobility Aids include discomfort or pain when standing for extended periods, balancing problems, walking difficulties, and increased risk of falls. 

Thus, they are particularly useful for anyone who is experiencing age-related mobility problems or physical disabilities since they make up for the balance, stability, and endurance they may lack. By using mobility aids, these individuals can navigate their surroundings safely just like they’re used to without external assistance and participate more fully in various everyday activities.

Examples of mobility aids include:

  • Mobility scooters
  • Manual and motorised wheelchairs
  • Walking aids (canes, crutches, walking frames, etc.)
  • Rollators
  • Stairlifts
  • Ramps

What Are Assistive Devices?

Also known as assistive technology, assistive devices comprise a wide range of products that serve to make performing certain tasks much easier or manageable for individuals with impairments or disabilities. Without these tools, such activities would otherwise be difficult or outright impossible and interfere with one’s quality of life and overall independence.

The main purpose of these devices is tailored to a specific limitation and the issue(s) it causes, which can be sensory, cognitive, or physical in nature. For instance, those who have trouble speaking or hearing will require speech generating devices and hearing aids, respectively, while those who are visually impaired could benefit from prescription glasses.

Other types of assistive devices include but are not limited to: 

  • Guide dogs
  • Braille displays
  • Memory aids
  • Organisational phone apps
  • Prosthetics
  • Specialised dining utensils

Summary of the key differences between mobility aids and assistive devices

To put it simply, all mobility aids are assistive devices, but not every assistive device is considered a mobility aid. The following summarises their key differences despite serving the same goal of improving the quality of life for those with disabilities.

1. Target audience

Assistive devices cater to all kinds of disabilities that go beyond physical impairments and includes those that are sensory and cognitive in nature. As you may have guessed, mobility aids are only concerned with addressing movement challenges caused by physical disabilities.

2. Scope of use

Assistive devices help its target audience successfully perform various tasks that would otherwise be difficult to accomplish on their own. These tasks fall into different categories that include cognition, hearing and seeing, communication, environmental control, and movement. Mobility aids are limited to simply physical mobility and stability.

3. Functionality

Most mobility aids are physical or mechanical devices designed to directly support movement, while a few leverage certain technologies like in motorised wheelchairs and mobility scooters. In contrast, many assistive devices are technology-based solutions that rely on software and other sophisticated electronics such as screen readers, smart home controls, text-to-speech apps, and so on.


While both mobility aids and assistive devices are designed to improve independence and quality of life, they serve different purposes based on specific needs. Mobility aids, such as wheelchairs and walkers, primarily support movement, while assistive devices, like hearing aids or speech devices, assist in overcoming physical or sensory impairments. Understanding these distinctions helps individuals select the right tool to enhance daily life, ensuring greater accessibility and comfort tailored to their unique situations. 

Falcon Mobility (Rebranding to ELFIGO) is the industry-leading provider you can trust to source quality personal mobility aids for your elderly loved ones. From high-tech motorised wheelchairs and mobility scooters to basic walking aids and rollators, our vast product catalogue guarantees we’ll have the exact solution you’re looking for.

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