From rollators to motorised wheelchairs, personal mobility aids (PMAs) are a common mobility tool for many in that age group. While it can help them to be more active and independent, it does not contribute much to active ageing, and that has become a concern.
Ensuring an active lifestyle despite having to rely on a PMA is critical, especially for elderlies. There are several activities and sports that they can take part in apart from flexibility exercises and low-impact cardio activities.
With proper coaching, a regular strength routine can offer immense benefits that allow older adults to age healthier and enjoy a better quality of life. Without further ado, here are some reasons why you should get them started on the programme.
Increased mental health and confidence
Strength training boosts the mind-body connection, enabling them to increase their overall coordination, strength, balance, and agility. The benefits gained from these exercises are distinctively different from those gained from flexibility and cardio exercises. However, they are complementary and should be combined with one another to get a more holistic well-being.
As they become stronger, it will boost their self-confidence, improving their overall mental health, too. As they find it easier to perform their daily activities, it will translate to increased confidence, a positive state of mind, and increased assurance in themselves.
Better balance
One of the fundamentals of strength training is having a proper posture when lifting. It is crucial so that you can bear the load, such as carrying groceries, climbing stairs, and picking up items from the floor, efficiently and safely.
With elderlies relying on PMAs, these activities might not pertain to them. However, the improved coordination and balance are beneficial to their overall quality of life, allowing them to rely less on others for help in performing their daily activities, thus being more independent.
Preserved bone density
Our bone density peaks when we hit 30 and begins to diminish as we age, more so if we are not physically active. When that happens, our bones start to get more brittle and vulnerable to fractures during impact and falls. This also means that the risk of developing osteoporosis increases too.
Elderlies can benefit from incorporating strength training into their daily routine, targeting the glutes and quadriceps.
For elderlies who have limited mobility but still can stand and walk, squats are a great strengthening exercise. They can practice sitting and standing from the chair, incorporating a partial squat motion. As they progress, the depth of their squats can also be increased. Wall squats, where they stand against the wall for support, can also help to boost their balance and stability.
It is always vital to begin their strength training by learning the proper posture and gradually increase the intensity as they progress.
Strengthening exercises will help to boost their agility and balance, allowing them to maintain their mobility and independence in their golden years. Growing old does not need to be a depressing thing. By observing a healthier and more active lifestyle, they can still maintain the independent life they had before.
Here at Falcon Mobility, our founding principle is to make PMAs affordable and available for those who need them. We provide an extensive range of products to enable independent and active ageing, including lightweight, portable wheelchairs and mobility scooters for elderlies. Contact us today to find out more!